Studio Set Up
First, make sure you have your preferred streaming studio application installed and open on your device. We recommend using OBS or any of Streamlab's Desktop or Mobile Applications.
On Xeenon's web app, make sure all of the desired stream fields are filled out
All of your streams information can be changed while the stream is live (except for the streams cost per minute)
In the bottom left of your streaming dashboard in the Actions section, you will see a Stream Key icon. Click it so that you can copy your stream key and URL.
Never share your stream key with anyone, not even your grandma.
Xeenon gives you the option to use a reusable stream key like traditional platforms, or generate a one time use key for an additional layer of security.
If you opt in to using a one time use key, once the key is used, it is no longer valid. It's still best practice to keep the one time use keys a secret, but you will have peace of mind using Xeenon, knowing that your content and audience are safe.
Studio set up
Navigate to "stream settings."
In OBS, this is accessible by clicking "Settings" in the bottom right menu.
Then click the "Stream" tab on the pop-up modal.
Choose the "Custom Service" option.
Fill out the fields with the information provided by Xeenon
Never share your stream key with anyone.
Click "Start Streaming" in OBS
You should be able to see a stream preview on the dashboard within a minute of starting the broadcast.
When you're finished streaming, click the "Stop Streaming" button in OBS
You cannot directly stop a Studio stream from the Xeenon website
For more technical information on using OBS, visit the OBS Documentation Website
Last updated